Title: Marvel Studios’ VFX Employees Vote Unanimously to Unionize, Addressing Key Issues in the Industry
In a groundbreaking move, the visual effects (VFX) employees at Marvel Studios have voted unanimously to unionize with the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE). This landmark decision marks the first time that a unit solely composed of VFX workers has joined forces with IATSE.
The vote, conducted by the National Labor Relations Board, followed a stipulated election agreement between IATSE and Disney/Marvel. Prior to the vote, a supermajority of Marvel’s approximately 50-strong VFX crew had already shown their support by signing authorization cards, indicating their desire to be represented by the union.
Under the agreement, the next step for the newly-formed union is to engage in collective bargaining negotiations with Marvel Studios, with the aim of drafting a comprehensive union contract. In a parallel development, around 18 VFX staffers at Walt Disney Pictures are also currently voting on the possibility of unionizing.
It is important to note that this unionization effort does not include the thousands of artists who work on Marvel and Disney movies through third-party VFX companies. However, IATSE has outlined its ambition to establish a new, all-encompassing national VFX Local, launching before the end of this year.
By joining IATSE, VFX workers hope to work under the Basic Agreement contract, which is currently employed by entertainment workers across various localities. Their primary goal is to address long-standing concerns within the industry, such as fair pay, access to healthcare, the establishment of a safe working environment, and ultimately, gaining the respect they deserve for their invaluable work.
Critical issues, including unpaid overtime, credits, wages, and retirement benefits, are among the key points that VFX workers are determined to address through collective bargaining negotiations. Highlighting the need for change, concerns have been raised regarding working conditions in the VFX industry, including excessively long hours and demanding seven-day work weeks.
The unionization effort has received strong support from several Marvel employees, who have released statements expressing solidarity with their fellow VFX workers. Their endorsement emphasizes the significance of this move towards better working conditions and improved worker rights within the VFX industry.
As Marvel Studios’ VFX employees take this momentous step towards unionization, it signals a positive shift within the industry. It underscores the importance of fair treatment and respect for VFX workers and serves as a powerful reminder that their contributions are crucial to the success of Marvel and Disney films.